THE MALLARD DUCK Although there are many types of birds that live around the Conejo Valley, one type you see a lot is the Mallard Duck!
They are usually identified by the green feathers on their head and the blue band of feathers on their wings. The females, however have mostly brown feathers.
They make their nests on the ground and can be found all over the world (except in the Arctic or Antarctica).
Where in the Conejo: to Spot a Duck!
Ducks love water!
If there is water, you will find a duck. You can find them in lakes, creeks along the trails, and sometimes backyard swimming pools.
Here are a few spots you can find a place to sit and observe some ducks in the Conejo Valley:
Males are called "Drakes" and females are called "Hens"
They can fly 70 feet per second (that's about two school busses)
Ducks do not have nerves in their feet so they don't get cold in the water
Be a Bird-Watcher and Find a Mallard:
with a green head
diving for food
sitting on land
with a yellow beak
Someone who enjoys observing birds is also known as a "bird-watcher" or "birder".
Although it is fun to share our snacks, it is very important we don’t share with ducks. Bread and other food can be very harmful to these sensitive animals. Feeding any wildlife is not allowed in the Conejo Valley Parks and open space.
A group of baby ducks is called a “brood”. They follow their mama for 3 months and then they are ready to fly away and live on their own.
These ducklings were scared to jump into the water, but their mama knew how to make them feel safe.
Q: What time do ducks wake up? A: The Quack of Dawn
Q: Why did the duck fall down?
A: He tripped on a Quack!
Ages: Pre-K
“Duck! Rabbit!” By Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Ages: K-3
“Ducks” By: Deborah Underwood
“Giggle, giggle, quack” By: Doreen Cronin
Educational Books Grades 3-5
“Ducks” by Will Mara
Our local libraries are currently closed but do offer curbside pickup. Visit for more information.
LEARN TO DRAW Would you like to learn how to draw a ducks and other fun animals?
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